Please join MNAPABA members and their families for MNAPABA’s 16th Annual Winter Retreat in Deerwood, MN. This signature event features an activity for people of all ages, including snowshoeing, winter biking, or simply relaxing with friends. A CLE presentation on "Media Relations for Lawyers" will be provided.
Cost: $95 per person. The first six law students to RSVP attend free! Please make your payment through the website.
Arrangements for bike and snow-shoe rentals can be made through Cycle Path & Paddle in Crosby, MN. Please reserve your rentals on your own. The cost of the retreat does not include the cost of renting these items. Please contact Cycle Path & Paddle at (218) 545-4545, or view their website here:
Please contact Alex Dyste with questions about the winter retreat at
Woodland Beach Resort, 15596 Woodland Beach Lane, Deerwood, MN 564444.