What: MNAPABA/MSBA Lunch and Learn CLE (1.0 CLE credit applied for)
Topic: Insights Into Surviving and Thriving in Your Legal Practice
Stephen Lee, Assistant General Counsel, Intellectual Property, Target Corporation
Chad Brinsfield, Associate Professor, Opus College of Business, University of St. Thomas
Date: April 8, 2019
Time: 11:30-1:30
11:30 Registration and Networking
12:00-1:00 Program
1:00-1:30 Wrap Up and Networking
Third Floor City Center
600 Nicollet Mall, Suite 380
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Program Description:
In this ever-evolving, fast-paced legal environment, change is a constant. Whether we are in a law firm, company, or court house, this increased pace of change demands that attorneys do more with less, take on new and different roles, and excel at things we might have never been good at before. This often results in greater levels of stress and an increased need to focus on, and develop, greater emotional intelligence and psychological resiliency.
This interactive panel consists of a senior legal professional and an organizational psychologist. Together, these panelists will bring their unique insights into how they have not only survived, but also thrived in the midst of personal, professional and organizational transformation. In addition, research findings on the causes and consequences of work-related stress, and strategies for fostering well-being at the individual, team, and organizational levels, will be discussed.
Through a thoughtful exploration, the goal of this panel will be to share some of the techniques they have adopted, and that help build practical skills in helping overcome challenges and adversity, manage stress, and thrive in their professional and personal lives. Of course, we will leave ample time for the attendees to ask questions, as we believe this topic would be well-suited for such an interactive discussion with the audience.
Questions? Please contact Kristin Haugen at kc@kchaugenlaw.com.