Minnesota Asian Pacific American Bar Association

MNAPABA's New Executive Board for 2015-2016

Wed, September 30, 2015 10:20 AM | Anonymous

Following 2014-2015 Executive Board action and the annual ceremonial vote of the MNAPABA membership at the annual MNAPABA Gala, held this year in conjunction with the NAPABA Central Regional Conference in Minneapolis on September 19, MNAPABA is proud to announce its new Executive Board for the upcoming membership year, beginning on October 1, 2015:

President: Gregory Schwartz, Billion & Armitage

President-Elect: Benjamin Kwan, Halunen Law

Immediate Past President: Irene Kao, League of Minnesota Cities

Secretary: Alene Sussman, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Treasurer: Emily Faber-Densley, 3M

VP of Communications: Maya Tao, Wilson Law Group

VP of Membership: Malika Kanodia, Best Buy

VP of Outreach: Summra Shariff, Robins Kaplan

VP of Programs: Alex Dyste, Fourth Judicial District

Pictured Above, from L to R: Summra Shariff, Malika Kanodia, Benjamin Kwan, Alene Sussman, Maya Tao, Greg Schwartz, Irene Kao, and Emily Faber-Densley (not pictured, Alex Dyste). Photo taken on September 19, 2015, at the MNAPABA Annual Gala at the NAPABA Central Regional Conference in Minneapolis.

Mailing Address:
MNAPABA c/o Minnesota State Bar Association
600 Nicollet Mall, Suite 380, Minneapolis, MN 55402

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