Minnesota Asian Pacific American Bar Association

MNAPABA Board Supports Hennepin County Judge Carolina A. Lamas in Primary Election

Fri, July 01, 2016 8:50 AM | Deleted user

Carolina A. Lamas is a judge of the Fourth Judicial District of Minnesota. Governor Mark Dayton appointed Judge Lamas to the bench on February 3, 2014. Her initial term expires on January 2, 2017. She is running for her seat in the primary election against Luke Bellville on August 9, 2016.

During her time on the bench, Judge Lamas has presided primarily over felony-level criminal trials. She has also received extensive training in “problem-solving” courts. Judge Lamas earned a reputation as a thoughtful, fair and impartial judge. The MNAPABA Board was impressed with Judge Lamas’ understanding of issues for people of color in the courtroom, including specific issues that face the Asian community. For all these reasons, the MNAPABA Board chose to support Judge Lamas in her campaign.

Lamas earned both her undergraduate degree and her Juris Doctor from the University of Minnesota. Before she became a district judge, she was the executive director and chief attorney for the Neighborhood Justice Center, Inc. Before that, she was an assistant public defender in the Ramsey County Office of the Public Defender, in the Second Judicial District.

You can view Luke Bellville’s profile here: http://lukeforjudge.tripod.com

To support Judge Lamas in her re-election, please visit her website: http://judgelamas.com/

Mailing Address:
MNAPABA c/o Minnesota State Bar Association
600 Nicollet Mall, Suite 380, Minneapolis, MN 55402

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