Minnesota Asian Pacific American Bar Association

Join MNAPABA in San Diego for the National Convention Nov. 3-6 -- We Have a Lot to Celebrate

Thu, October 13, 2016 9:29 AM | Anonymous

Join MNAPABA in San Diego for the National Convention Nov. 3-6 -- We Have a Lot to Celebrate

The Hon. Gail Chang Bohr, recipient of a 2016 NAPABA Daniel K. Inouye Trailblazer Award

Irene Kao, recipient of a 2016 NAPABA Best Under 40 Award

Steven Reeves, elected to the 2016-2017 NAPABA Board of Governors, serving as the Vice President for Finance and Development

Dear Members and Friends:

We hope to see many of you in San Diego next month for the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association's 2016 annual convention.  Advance registration closes on October 21. Need to activate your NAPABA membership? MNAPABA membership includes NAPABA membership--please refer to our June 16, 2016, members-only email for instructions on activating your national membership. 

Let Us Know if You'll Be in San Diego & RSVP for the Minnesota Dinner

MNAPABA would love to keep in touch with you if you plan to be in San Diego for the convention. 

We will be organizing a pay-your-own-way Minnesota dinner on Friday evening at 8 p.m. We have yet to select a location--we will do so after getting an idea of how many Minnesotans we can expect.

Please fill out the form at the link shown to both let us know you're coming and whether you'd like to RSVP for the Minnesota dinner and be on a group text of Minnesota attendees.

Minnesota Attendee Form & Minnesota Dinner RSVP: https://goo.gl/forms/0CGmtnwrT7U4grUk2 

Minnesota Award Winners

This is another banner year for MNAPABA at NAPABA. In San Diego we will be celebrating two MNAPABA members receiving national awards and one member who has been elected to the national Board of Governors.  

The Hon. Gail Chang Bohr will receive the Daniel K. Inouye Trailblazer Award at 6 p.m. on Friday, November 4. 

Irene Kao will be celebrated as one of NAPABA's "Best Under 40" at the Welcome Reception on Thursday, November 3. 

We also would like to recognize Steven Reeves who has been elected to NAPABA's Board of Governors as the V.P. for Finance and Development. Thank you for your service to NAPABA and the profession, Steven!

Asian American Adoptee Attorney Network

We hope you will also consider supporting our Immediate Past President, Greg Schwartz, on his new national initiative to connect Asian American adoptee attorneys.  Join Greg and others from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. for the first gathering of the affinity group at the convention.  Email Greg for more details: GSchwartz@billionarmitage.com -- you can also check out the Facebook invite

If you have any questions about the convention, please email us at mnapaba@gmail.com -- we will be monitoring that account in realtime at the convention, too.

Thanks and hope to see many familiar faces in San Diego!

--Ben Kwan, President, MNAPABA

Mailing Address:
MNAPABA c/o Minnesota State Bar Association
600 Nicollet Mall, Suite 380, Minneapolis, MN 55402

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