Minnesota Asian Pacific American Bar Association


  • Sun, September 04, 2016 11:13 AM | Deleted user

    LCL will facilitate a mindfulness group to accompany The Anxious Lawyer national book club.  For information on the book club and the LCL group, go to http://www.mnlcl.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Mindfulness-Fall-2016.pdf.  

    Jeena  Cho, author of The Anxious Lawyer,  will be the keynote speaker at LCL’s 40th Anniversary dinner on November 9th.  There will be MUCH more to come about that event.  

  • Wed, August 17, 2016 9:45 AM | Deleted user

    The Commission on Judicial Selection announced today that a judgeship vacancy is occurring in Minnesota’s Tenth Judicial District Court. This vacancy will occur upon the retirement of the Honorable James T. Reuter, and will be chambered at Pine City in Pine County.

    The Commission is searching for fair, experienced, and civic-minded individuals to serve on the bench and offer their talents and services to Minnesota’s judicial system. The following qualities will be considered for judicial office: integrity, maturity, health (if job related), judicial temperament, legal knowledge, ability, experience, and community service. The application process is now open for this vacancy.

    An individual wishing to apply may request an application by writing to Lee E. Sheehy, Chair of the Commission on Judicial Selection, at 116 Veterans Service Building, 20 West 12th Street, St. Paul, MN 55155, or by contacting Lidya Makonnen, Appointments Coordinator, via e-mail at lidya.makonnen@state.mn.us. A cover letter and resume should also be submitted with the application. Application materials are due by close of business on Tuesday, September 6, 2016. Interviews are scheduled to be held on Thursday, September 22, 2016 in Pine City.

    For inquiries concerning the application process, please contact Lidya Makonnen at lidya.makonnen@state.mn.us or at (651) 201-3451.


    MNAPABA endorses and promotes minority attorneys for judicial appointments. For interested candidates, please send an email correspondence requesting the endorsement. In the email, enclose a copy of the completed judicial application form and any pertinent writing samples to the President of MNAPABA, Greg Schwartz (GSchwartz@billionarmitage.com). You can also contact MNAPABA Immediate Past President and chair of our judicial selection committee, Irene Kao (ikao@lmc.org) for questions. 

    For more information about the endorsement process, please see here

  • Tue, August 02, 2016 3:24 PM | Deleted user

    Justice Dietzen Retirement Reception

    Date: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    Venue: Windows on Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN United States 


    Deadline to Register: Monday, August 22, 2016

    Join us as we celebrate Justice Chris Dietzen's tenure on the Minnesota Supreme Court

    Justice Dietzen was named to the Supreme Court in 2008 following four years of service on the Minnesota Court of Appeals.  He will retire on August 31, 2016.  On Wednesday, August 24 the Minnesota State Bar Association will host a reception to celebrate Justice Dietzen's judicial career and thank him for his years of public service.  The reception will begin at 5:30 and there will be a short program at 6:15.


    MSBA Members:  $40.00

    Non-MSBA Members: $40.00


    Questions? Contact Joni Fenner 612/278-6307

  • Thu, July 28, 2016 6:42 PM | Anonymous

    MNAPABA is now accepting applications for the 2016-2017 Executive Board. Applications are due to President-Elect Ben Kwan by August 17, 2016. 

    Find complete details regarding board positions and the application process on the Apply for the 2016-2017 Executive Board page of our website. 

  • Thu, July 28, 2016 2:00 PM | Deleted user

    The Commission on Judicial Selection announced today that judgeship vacancies are occurring in Minnesota’s Second Judicial District Court. These vacancies will occur upon the retirements of the Honorable Diane R. Alshouse, effective September 23, 2016, and the Honorable James H. Clark, effective October 31, 2016, and will be chambered at Saint Paul in Ramsey County.

    The Commission is searching for fair, experienced, and civic-minded individuals to serve on the bench and offer their talents and services to Minnesota’s judicial system. The following qualities will be considered for judicial office: integrity, maturity, health (if job related), judicial temperament, legal knowledge, ability, experience, and community service. The application process is now open for these vacancies.

    An individual wishing to apply may request an application by writing to Lee E. Sheehy, Chair of the Commission on Judicial Selection, at 116 Veterans Service Building, 20 West 12th Street, St. Paul, MN 55155, or by contacting Lidya Makonnen, Appointments Coordinator, via e-mail at lidya.makonnen@state.mn.us. A cover letter and resume should also be submitted with the application. Application materials are due by close of business on Monday, August 15, 2016. Interviews are scheduled to be held on Thursday, September 1, 2016.

    For inquiries concerning the application process, please contact Lidya Makonnen at lidya.makonnen@state.mn.us or at (651) 201-3451.


    MNAPABA endorses and promotes minority attorneys for judicial appointments. For interested candidates, please send an email correspondence requesting the endorsement. In the email, enclose a copy of the completed judicial application form and any pertinent writing samples to the President of MNAPABA, Greg Schwartz (GSchwartz@billionarmitage.com). You can also contact MNAPABA Immediate Past President and chair of our judicial selection committee, Irene Kao (ikao@lmc.org) for questions. 

    For more information about the endorsement process, please see here

  • Thu, July 28, 2016 1:58 PM | Deleted user

    The Commission on Judicial Selection announced today that a judgeship vacancy is occurring in Minnesota’s Fourth Judicial District Court. This vacancy was created upon the appointment of the Honorable Anne K. McKeig to the Minnesota Supreme Court, and will be chambered at Minneapolis in Hennepin County.

    The Commission is searching for fair, experienced, and civic-minded individuals to serve on the bench and offer their talents and services to Minnesota’s judicial system. The following qualities will be considered for judicial office: integrity, maturity, health (if job related), judicial temperament, legal knowledge, ability, experience, and community service. The application process is now open for this vacancy.

    An individual wishing to apply may request an application by writing to Lee E. Sheehy, Chair of the Commission on Judicial Selection, at 116 Veterans Service Building, 20 West 12th Street, St. Paul, MN 55155, or by contacting Lidya Makonnen, Appointments Coordinator, via e-mail at lidya.makonnen@state.mn.us. A cover letter and resume should also be submitted with the application. Application materials are due by close of business on Thursday, August 18, 2016. Interviews are scheduled to be held on Friday, September 9, 2016 in Minneapolis.

    For inquiries concerning the application process, please contact Lidya Makonnen atlidya.makonnen@state.mn.us or at (651) 201-3451.

  • Wed, July 27, 2016 10:20 AM | Deleted user

    2016 Presidential Town Hall & Voter Protection Training

    Join NAPABA and our partners as we work to elevate the voices of the Asian Pacific American community and protect voting rights. Be a part of the 2016 National Asian American and Pacific Islanders Presidential Town Hall in Las Vegas and learn how you and your affiliate can host voter protection trainings and monitor elections.

    1)      2016 Presidential Town Hall | Aug. 12 | Las Vegas

    Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote and the Asian American Journalists Association are co-hosting the 2016 Presidential Town Hall, which NAPABA is joining as a National Partner. The Town Hall has served as a non-partisan forum for Asian Pacific Americans to discuss issues relevant to our communities and ensure that our concerns are addressed and by campaigns and the media. 

    • Learn more and register by Aug. 1 here.

    2)      NAPABA Voter Protection Training (CLE) | Aug. 13 | Las Vegas

    As part of the 2016 Presidential Town Hall community programming, NAPABA will be offering a CLE about non-partisan voter protection and poll monitoring. Participants will learn from experts from the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) and Asian Americans Advancing Justice – LA  about how to monitor elections for compliance with the federal Voting Rights Act, including ensuring language access, and how to prepare other attorneys to engage in voter protection work. The CLE is free and open to the public.

    • Learn more and register here.

    3)      Host a Voter Protection Training & Get Resources

    Teach your members how to protect the rights of voters, including individuals who are limited English proficient, on election day. NAPABA affiliates interested in hosting voter protection training sessions in their communities may apply for Affiliate Grant programs to help cover costs associated with the training sessions. Partner with advocacy organizations such as AALDEF and Asian Americans Advancing Justice affiliates (AAJC, ALC, Atlanta, Chicago, and Los Angeles) to help provide technical assistance to voters.

    • Apply for an Affiliate Grant and learn about partner organizations here.

    4)      Host a Community Watch Party | Aug. 12

    Sign-up to host a watch party to demonstrate to the Presidential campaigns and local parties that the Asian American and Pacific Islander community is very engaged for the 2016 election cycle and we are ready to go vote! This event seeks to educate voters about the Presidential candidates as they address issues that are important to our community.

  • Thu, July 14, 2016 11:22 AM | Deleted user

    Please join MMAA for a discussion of traditional and non-traditional paths to career excellence, followed by a happy hour. 


    Julia Dayton-Klein, Principal at Gray Plant Mooty 

    Sarah E. Crippen, Managing Partner at Best & Flanagan LLP

    Maureen Sheehan, General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer at ITM TwentyFirst

    Jenny Gassman Pines, Partner at Greene Espel PLLP

    Event Details 


    Thursday, July 21, 2016

    4:00-6:00 p.m. 


    Dorsey & Whitney LLP

    50 South Sixth Street, Suite 1500, Minneapolis 55402 


    Members - Free

    Non-members - $15

    *Heavy appetizers and drinks will be provided.

    *1.0 CLE is being applied for.

    Get more information

    Register Now!

    I can't make it

    MMAA is an organization whose mission is to promote the professional development of mother attorneys by capitalizing on the special opportunities and skills that arise from motherhood to drive career excellence. All are welcome. For more information about MMAA, please visit our website at www.mnmaa.org.

    If you have any questions about the event or how to register, please contact Adebisi Wilson (adebisi.mmaa@gmail.com) or Courtney Grimsrud (courtney.grimsrud@abbotdowning.com).

  • Thu, July 14, 2016 11:19 AM | Deleted user

    TCDIP is hoping to have a representative from each affinity bar give a short 2 minute speech about their organization.  Please make sure your bar association is represented at this event!  Email Lily Shaw at ​lshaw@diversityinpractice.org if you are interested in attending.

    Here is the information for the event:

    Friday, July 15, 2016
    5:00 p.m. to 7 p.m.
    Location Seven: Steakhouse, Sushi Rooftop Deck (700 Hennepin)


  • Thu, July 14, 2016 11:14 AM | Deleted user

    Gala 2016


    In celebration of the 20th anniversary
    of the Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota


    Schedule of Events:
    6:00 – 7:30 pm:  Reception and Silent Auction
    7:30 – 9:00 pm: Internationally-Inspired Dinner and Program
    9:00 pm – Midnight: Dancing with Salsa del Soul

    Purchase tickets here

    or call 651-641-1011.

    Please RSVP by September 1, 2016
    Early Bird tickets available through August 1st!


    View photos from our 2015 Gala here!

    Interested in donating to our silent auction? ContactSarah.Trautman@ilcm.org.

    All other questions regarding ILCM’s 20th Anniversary Gala may be directed to Meg Pierce, Development Coordinator, at Meghan.Pierce@ilcm.org.

Mailing Address:
MNAPABA c/o Minnesota State Bar Association
600 Nicollet Mall, Suite 380, Minneapolis, MN 55402

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