The Minnesota Hispanic Bar Association, Hispanic National Bar Association, Region XI, Volunteers Lawyers Network and The Advocates for Human Rights, in partnership, are offering the following CLE:
The Border is Here: Timely Opportunities for Legal Volunteers in Minnesota, Session One-No Immigration Experience Necessary!
Date/Time: Thursday, July 19, 2018, 12:00-1:30pm
Location: Nilan Johnson Lewis, PA
Canadian Pacific Plaza
120 South Sixth Street
Suite 400
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Presenters: Michele Garnett McKenzie
Colleen Beebe Purisaca
Michelle Rivero
Alison Griffith
Description: There is a crisis in our land. There is a groundswell of volunteers wanting to help. The need to address the crisis is not limited to the border. There is a lot for legal volunteers to do in Minnesota-and you don't need to be an immigration lawyer to help. Are you a lawyer without immigration experience wondering where you fit in? This is the CLE for you.
Topics Covered:
- Putting the crisis into context: the unaccompanied minor waves beginning in 2014 and the current border surge of parents and children. What is the Minnesota connection to these surges?
- What's happening with immigration enforcement and detention in Minnesota.
- What organizations are working on these issues in Minnesota and what are their volunteer needs
- How non-immigration lawyers and other legal professionals can help
Note: This CLE will not address current travel ban issues.
Cost: FREE
To Register: Click here.
1.5 CLE Standard Credits will be applied for.
This event is also co-sponsored by American Immigration Lawyers Association-MN/Dakotas Chapter.