Minnesota Asian Pacific American Bar Association

Inaugural Make It MSP Professionals of Color Organizations Mingle

Thu, November 29, 2018 5:30 PM | Alex Dyste-Demet (Administrator)

AscendNAAMBA is excited to invite MNAPABA to be a participant in the inaugural Make It MSP Professionals of Color Organizations Mingle! This event will bring together professionals of color organizations from across the Twin Cities and will provide an opportunity to showcase the opportunities and events each offers.  It will also feature guest speakers from the 2019 Minneapolis Final Four(r) Local Organizing Committee who will highlight their initiatives to support diversity and inclusion in the community and share exciting news about how you can get involved! 

  • Connect with the Twin Cities professionals of color community and share information about your organization
  • Build your organization’s brand recognition as a supporter of efforts to make the Twin Cities a prosperous and diverse community for men and women of color
  • Develop new relationships that can lead to new opportunities and partnerships.

This exclusive after-hours event will take place at the James J. Hill Center in St Paul on November 29th and will include complimentary appetizers and a hosted bar.

Please contact Vivian Chow, AscendNAAMBA MN Chapter President, at ascendnaamba.mn@gmail.com with questions and to RSVP. 

Mailing Address:
MNAPABA c/o Minnesota State Bar Association
600 Nicollet Mall, Suite 380, Minneapolis, MN 55402

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