The Page Education Foundation will be hosting its first ever Virtual Justice Alan Page Elimination of Bias CLE Seminar on December 4, 9:00-11:00 am CST, as part of its efforts to build awareness of ethics and the elimination of bias in the law.
This year’s theme is Recruitment and Retention of Professionals of Color in the Law Industry. The discussion will include attrition rates and barriers professionals of color face while trying to climb the corporate ladder. Speakers include:
Traci V. Bransford, Attorney and Partner at Stinson LLP, who will speak on the issues faced by BIPOC in the law field and her personal experience making partner; and
Kevin Warren, Commissioner of the Big Ten Conference, who has done tremendous work diversifying the Minnesota Vikings and now the Big Ten Conference will speak on where we go from here and what actionable steps we can take to make systemic change.
Tickets are currently sold at an early bird rate of $75 until November 20. Proceeds benefit the Page Education Foundation to support its mission of encouraging Minnesota students of color to pursue post-secondary education. Please click here to purchase tickets or for more information.