(note: we have reached maximum occupancy for this event, and are no longer accepting additional attendees.)
The Student Jobs Event You Cannot Miss (Students & Employers--large, small, public, judges)
Sponsored By:
Minnesota Asian Pacific American Bar Association | Minnesota Association of Black Lawyers | Minnesota Hispanic Bar Association | Minnesota Lavender Bar Association| Minnesota Women Lawyers
and our host,
Dorsey & Whitney LLP
(full details below, registration here)

On March 21, 2017, the sponsoring affinity bars and their partners will bring legal employers from all corners of the profession to one place for a rare opportunity for law students to learn about various practice areas and to learn about job and recruiting opportunities for this summer and beyond.
This affinity bar event is being put together for both students and employers.
Students --1L, 2L, 3L, LLM--can expect to learn helpful tips and hear frank advice about the legal recruiting process from all areas of the profession and meet new lawyers in a low-stakes, no-pressure networking environment. Employers will be stationed at tables and mapped out by practice sector--we encourage you to traverse the room and learn something about a new practice sector.
Legal Employers --big, small, public, non-profit, and judges--can expect to meet promising and diverse law students and their friends who are interested in learning about your practice area--job seeking tips are a plus, but there's no pressure to have anything but a smile and some candid advice to offer. We encourage legal employers to attend even if they don't have current openings.
Job Postings -- We will also release a list of exclusive job postings at the event -- employers, let us know about remaining and new job opportunities here. Consider posting jobs available for this summer or during the 2017-2018 academic year. Employers who cannot attend are encouraged to let us know about postings.
Resume Collect -- We are going to have four boxes where students can deposit their resumes. When registering, employers will have the option of choosing to receive resumes deposited in one of four collection boxes. Resumes will be sent to employers by sector after the event, helping employers get in touch with students they may meet or to actively recruit for jobs and clerkships. Students, bring up to four resumes to drop off for (1) Large firm (25+), (2) Medium/Small Firm (<25), (3) Government/NP, (4) Judges. Employers not attending but interested in the resume collect should email MNAPABA (mnapaba@gmail.com).
The event schedule is as follows on Tuesday, March 21, 2017, at Dorsey & Whitney LLP in Minneapolis:
5:00 to 5:30 p.m. - Registration, Refreshments
5:30 to 6:30 p.m. - Jobs Panel, Q&A
6:30 to 7:30 p.m. - Informal but Organized Networking, Refreshments
Employer representatives with questions should contact MNAPABA V.P. Aalok Sharma (asharma@foleymansfield.com) or MNAPABA President Ben Kwan (kwan@halunenlaw.com).
Register today at: http://mnapaba.org/event-2450654
